For people who lead a sedentary lifestyle – they spend a lot of time at the computer or many hours at the desk we have prepared a special offer.
An extremely effective treatment is performed by clothing on a special massage chair. It significantly removes tension around the shoulder girdle, head, neck and shoulder blades. A single treatment can significantly reduce:
– Muscle tension general fatigue.
– stress level mainly due to sedentary work.
Designed for people who value maximum results in the shortest possible time.
Worksite massage is used to reduce and minimize chronic muscle tension and pain. Properly applied worksite massage techniques remove such ailments as:
– neck stiffness,
– shoulder girdle tension, as well as headaches.
Massage of the shoulder girdle and neck through clothing allows you to work out the trigger points that arose due to accumulated muscle tension.
- soothes neck,
- neck and back muscles ensures well-being and relaxation,
- relieves stress caused by stress,
Who is it for this kind of massage?
- for people with sedentary work
- for people suffering spine diseases
- for people who have a problem with excessive muscle tension.