Transbuccal massage is performed on both sides of the soft tissues of the face, both inside the mouth and on the outer layer of the skin. The treatment deeply affects the tissues of the lower and middle part of the face. It corrects the unfavorable changes that occur in the aging process.
It is extremely effective in correcting deformations and dystrophic changes, where facial fat bags are displaced, their growth and fibrotic changes occur.
Transbuccal massage helps in the fight against:
– paresis and facial paralysis,
– scarring changes,
– permanent muscle contracture,
– bruxism,
– drooping corners of the mouth.
The treatment in our office is enriched with an eyelid and forehead lift, which helps to effectively deal with age-related changes such as:
– mimic wrinkles (corrects depth),
– reduction of skin activity, especially in zones with high mimic activity,
– sagging upper eyelids.
Option 1: Transbuccal massage with eyelid and forehead lifting – 75 min
Option 2: Transbuccal massage with eyelid and forehead lifting + KOBIDO lifting – 105 min.
Option 3: Transbuccal massage with eyelid and forehead lifting + KOBIDO lifting + algae mask and guasha closing massage – 130 min.