12-6843549, 513-424-011



  • Locally activates lymph and lymphatic processes
  • Regulates the pressure within the ears and sinuses
  • Effectively helps in rhinitis (runny nose)
  • Relieves in headaches, including migraine
  • It soothes and relaxes in the case of irritability and stress
  • Reduces inflammation and irritation of the ear and sinuses

Ear candling ritual has its roots in ancient Egypt and Atlantis, and its primary forms (conching) were used by the Aztecs and Mayans. Ear candling method reached to Poland from the Hopi Indians, inhabitants of Arizona. The treatment consists of inserting the burning candle (in the shape of tube) into the ear. It’s handmade according to traditional Indian recipes. The essential oils, enriched with herbal extracts contained in the candle are released, which promotes regeneration of areas with inflammation.

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